Film Review

 Hello! Upon the conclusion of my groups final task video, my group wanted feedback on the film. I went to my dad to get a review. He does not have any experience with producing media, but he still gave an in-depth review. My dad’s feedback was very useful in ensuring my groups video was the best it could possibly be. His thoughts were as followed. His first comment is that the opening clip does not illuminate the genre enough. He also claims that the characters were not properly introduced in the beginning. He said this prevents the viewer from fully understanding the characters. Therefore not utilizing pathos to connect with the characters. He also said the angle could be improved of some of the scenes. As well as how zoomed in or out the camera is. He said that to better connect with the characters, my group could take advantage of close-up shots. This would help illustrate the characters emotions further. He also said the dialogue of the film could be improved. His last critique was the lighting. The beginning of the films lighting is darker than a typical day scene. However, this was the intention as the film gradually gets more suspenseful. My dads feedback helped my group significantly. I went back to editing to make some final edits and took note of all the critiques I received.


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