Production Blog: Gathering the Props
Hello! My group has had some last minute scheduling conflicts. However, they are dissolved now for the most part. So, with the new filming and editing schedule in place, my group and I have been preparing for filming. I have been gathering all the supplies that my group needs for productions. The first item I gathered was my tripod stand. It was used for the music video project, so it was not too hard to find in my house. The first thing I did when I found it in my playroom was clean it off. This is because it had some dirt on it from the previous video filmed. After cleaning it, I set it down for a few hours to let it dry. After it dried, I placed the tripod in the corner of my room. Next, I gathered some other props my group needs. I found a small purse in my closet which would be perfect for the car and restaurant scene. There were some miscellaneous items in the purse, like random lip balms and coins, so I cleaned it out. I then placed the purse with the tripod. Also, I found a small container that would be perfect for the film. This would work great for the scenes where one of the characters need a small bottle to “poison” one of the other characters. This container previously held blank clothing tags, so I relocated them to another container for now. Then, I added this small container into the pile with the tripod and the purse. Another important prop that is needed for the film is the fake poison that will be in the small container. Since filming is not for a little longer, I decided not to make the fake poison yet, but to create a plan on how I will make it in the future. This plan includes the simple process of adding green food dye to water to create an ominous effect. This will be completely safe and edible, even thought the characters will not actually consume the “poison.” But, I will make it edible for safety precautions, just in case any of it accidentally gets injested.
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