Production Blog

    Hello! I am almost done with my All About Me commercial. I started off this editing session by inspecting the transitions between the photos and videos. All the transitions are currently the default "dissolve." I would like to alter this to make my film more unique. This will also add variety to my film. I decided to move a clip of the video of me skiing to the beginning of my commercial. This is because the clip seemed out of place in the middle of the video, as I have the large clip of me skiing just before it. The video flows much better now. I chose to keep the dissolve transition in this part of the film. However, when I approached the skiing part of the commercial, I decided to use a different transition to add variety. I chose the "slide up" transition for the shift between the Maine photo and the skiing video. This is because it adds a nice variation to the middle of my film. After this clip, I decided to use the "fade" transition and extended the transition to two seconds so it does not look rushed. Then, I watched the whole video through and looked for anything that needed tweaking. I did not notice anything that needed editing, but I did decide to add an exit clip. I inserted a solid pink background, as I did for the introduction, and added my text that says "Thank you for watching!" Now my full commercial is completed except for the music. The total length is 36.4 seconds. I then tried to export my song- The Best Day by Taylor Swift. As I was trying to upload my song, I noticed that music by Taylor Swift, as well as many other artists, is unavailable for use in iMovie. So, I inconveniently had to choose a different song at the last minute. I chose to use Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams. I have always loved this song and it fits perfectly into the commercial. I imported my song and chose which section of the song I wanted to use. I lowered the volume of the song for the clip of me at the concert so the audience could hear the live music. I also reduced the audio on the skiing videos. After my editing was complete, I rewatched the film once more to ensure it flowed. I have officially finished my All About Me commercial I have worked so hard on.


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